M. Mohamed Aziz DARGOUTH
Biography ENG (Dargouth Mohamed Aziz)
The nexus of life, water, energy and food: an opportunity to improve the sustainable management of the security of these three resources in Tunisia
Slim CHOURA1& Mohamed Aziz DARGHOUTH2
1: President of the Engineering Sciences Council – ILO, Former Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
2: Member of the Engineering Sciences Council – ILO, Former President of IRESA
The Water-Energy-Food Nexus (EEA Nexus) refers to the interconnections and interdependencies between these three essential sectors. It recognizes that the security of water, energy and food resources, which are essential for human well-being and economic development, are inextricably linked. The Nexus EEA approach helps decision-makers, researchers and practitioners adopt integrated approaches in the management of these sectors, it promotes a holistic understanding of the dynamics of compromises and synergies between water, energy, and food. By adopting the EEA Nexus, decision-makers can develop strategies that improve the effectiveness and efficiency of resource use, while ensuring more sustainable and resilient development. In the Tunisian context marked by the scarcity of water resources and the deterioration of national energy and food balances, the adoption of the Nexus EEA represents an opportunity on the strategic and operational levels to improve the sustainable management of the security of these three resources. The success of this adoption in Tunisia, however, requires effective management of challenges of different natures, the most important of which we will analyze in this presentation.