Ferdaws BELCADHI is an architect, doctor in Architectural Sciences and Engineering (2014).
Full lecturer at the National School of Architecture of Tunis (ENAU), teacher-researcher at the Doctoral School of Architectural Sciences and Engineering (ED SIA), Head of the team
“Morphology of Architecture” (M2A).
"Sustainable Architectural Projects in Tunis: Inspirations for a Responsible Urban Future"
This presentation will highlight a selection of innovative architectural projects that embody the values of sustainability and responsibility in design and construction. From the ecological rehabilitation of historic buildings to the creation of modern eco-districts, including the design of buildings with net zero energy consumption, these examples demonstrate the commitment to architectural practices respectful of the environment and the community . Discover how these projects have integrated elements such as heritage conservation, urban biodiversity, energy efficiency and soft mobility to shape sustainable and attractive urban environments.
The conference will focus specifically on sustainable architectural projects located in Tunis. It also suggests that these projects can serve as inspiration for shaping a responsible and environmentally friendly urban future in the city of Tunis.